These pictures were taken by Bethel representative Phillip Brown during the annual business meeting of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. An item of interest to the local church is the ordination of previous minister Alex Knight as an Elder in the church. In addition, two minister's wives, Ruth Walker and Agnes Jackson, were remembered during the memorial service. There are also photos of former Bethel pastors Joe and Barbara Stiles, and Jesse Baker, now retired, with wife Faye. Other photos in this group might be of interest to future representatives who may be making their first trip to the annual conference.The photos are grouped by topic. The numbers following each date are the range of photo sequence numbers within the group. Click on the underlined range of numbers to open a page of index photos. Click on a small index photo to display a larger version of the photo. Some photo pages include
symbols representing short videos. Click on the symbol to start the video. Click on the underlined Title at the top of each index page to view a slide show of photos in the group.
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May 30 - (425-439) - Campus of Florida Southern College
............ - (440-448) - First Meeting at UM Annual Conference
May 31 - (449-455) - Morning on Campus
............ - (456-465) - Memorial Service
............ - (466-468) - Jesse & Faye Baker
............ - (469-484) - Ordination Service (Alex Knight ordained as Elder)
June 01 - (485-489) - Morning on Campus
............ - (490-495) - Retirement Service
............ - (496-497) - Cokesbury "Bookstore"
............ - (498-502) - Pictures of room in "Panhellenic" dorm
............ - (503-542) - Walk Around Lake Hollingsworth
............ - (543-557) - Cuban Celebration at Annual Conference (Bishop Parrera speaking)
............ - (559-560) - Joe & Barbara Stiles
June 02 - (561-562) - Morning on Campus
............ - (563-564) - Lakeland Civic Center
............ - (565-573) - Display Tables
............ - (574-579) - Final Service (Africa University Singers, Consecration of Pastors & Laity)