Celebrate Jesus
UMC Leesburg Mission
June 23-30, 2001
Commissioning Service at Fruitland Park
The group from the United Methodist Temple in Lakeland arrives at Community UMC in Fruitland Park
Gathering in the fellowship hall
Praise and Worship
Communion and Commissioning
Three from Bethel UMC in Tallahassee
(Phillip Brown to Wildwood, Rev. Laura Beth Fisher to 1st Eustis Youth, Leonard Holton to Morrison)
Arriving at Wildwood UMC
The evening meal was prepared by Bonnie Taylor, with her son Zachary
The team's living quarters were in a "garage apartment" over the youth room, which served as a team meeting place.
The first evening devotional time, with team pastor: Steven Gregg, wife Melissa and son Christian (3), Grace and Ken Vickery, children: Shane (12), Tori (Victoria)(9) and Bobby (8), and Mom, BJ Foster, the team leader (also photographer, Phill Brown)
The First Day, Sunday
Early Morning Walk Around the Block
and the Covered Dish Dinner afterwards
Tori and BJ prepare the box for the "Pigeon Mail"
Wildwood UMC in the afternoon light
First Gathering to "Deliver the Light" to the Neighborhood
The Second Day, Monday
Rise and Shine
Weekday Mornings were Devoted to a VBS with a Safari Theme
(There were no planned team activities during this time)
Just add Kids and watch the fun
Meanwhile, back in the team meeting area, plans are being made
for Preparing plates of cookies
to take to Businesses in the afternoon
Ready for the evening visits to the neighbors
The Third Day, Tuesday
Story teller Louise Smith in VBS
Just waiting for the time for
Passing out water at the shopping center
Time for the "Official Group Photo" of
The Celebrate Jesus team at Wildwood U.M.C.
(A water spot on the lens affected the clarity of the photo on the left and several of the following photos. The picture in the middle was taken on Ken Vickery's camera. The photo on the right was scanned from a picture printed from a negative of Steve Gregg.)
Preparing another 150 bags of light
The mailbox waits for the Pigeon Postal carriers
A moment of relaxation at the Steak and Shake
The Fourth Day, Wednesday
Morning Devotional Time
Pictures of morning VBS session
The "Pigeons", Joe MacLaren and Kendall Taylor
Wednesday Evening Celebration at Morrison UMC in Leesburg
Leonard Holton and friends
(including Eean Templeton, Morrison team member from the U.K.)
The "Wild"wood bunch
Celebrating Jesus is what it's about
30 seconds just aren't enough to tell it all
The Fifth Day, Thursday
Putting out "Food" for the "pigeons"
The Big News of the day (week) for VBS was the visit of a baby White Siberian Tiger
These items concerning the baby tiger's visit appeared in the local papers the next morning.
Relaxing with the "Pigeons" during morning "down time"
A "Field Trip" to Russell Stover factory outlet
Bagging Groceries at the new Winn Dixie
(An unscheduled service event)
Water Volleyball for the youth
Marge's Women's Circle serves up a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings
The Sixth Day, Friday (Block Party)
Sunrise brightens a morning walk
Preparing photos and cards of appreciation for host church leaders
Preparing the signs
The rains came, but they didn't dampen everyone's spiritThose who moved to the fellowship hall enjoyed face painting...
entertainment by the Young Performing Artists and Wildwood UMC talent...
The Seventh Day, Saturday
Getting ready to leave
Back at Fruitland Park UMC
Two from Bethel and Toni Moore
The 1st Eustis Youth team, with youth from the church