for the 7th Week After Pentecost
July 19, 2020
Sources of Information for Today's Online Service For the Series:
This page has links to information used or encountered in preparing this online service. Guidance from UMC Discipleship Ministries
Worship Series: Nothing Shall Separate Us
Having come through the “safer-at-home” directives for the COVID-19 pandemic this spring (we pray we have come through), or perhaps on the threshold of another quarantine this fall (if the reported surge in the virus comes to pass), it seems a perfect time for a worship series titled “Nothing Shall Separate Us!” And we do it without irony. We do it with confident faith, as Paul did in Romans, chapter 8. This chapter is so profound that more than one series could come from these words. But we offer this series now as a reminder that no matter what the world might throw at us, no matter what our own brokenness might uncover, no matter how far we may feel from everyone and from God, we are confident that, as the body of Christ, nothing shall separate us.This Week's Theme: Creation Waits
Worship Planning Notes
Preaching Notes
Some Hymns suggested for this Worship Series
057 -. Verses - O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
404 -. Verses - Every Time I Feel the Spirit
539 -. Verses - O Spirit of the Living God
For this week:
178 -. Verses - Hope of the World
368 -. Verses - My Hope is Built
384 -. Verses - Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
692 -. Verses - Creator of the Stars of Night
2004 -. Verses - Praise the Source of Faith and Learning