for the Third Week of Advent
December 13, 2020
Sources of Information for Today's Online Service 202 -
This page has links to information used or encountered in preparing this online service. The Star of Bethlehem
What Was the Star of Bethlehem?
What Was the Christmas Star of Bethlehem?
‘Christmas Star’: Jupiter, Saturn combine for rare Great Conjunction
An article about a night-sky event occuring locally on Dec 21
Froebel Stars
Moravian Stars
Making Froebel/Moravian stars
And on Other Topics:
Hallmark Christmas Movies
10 Holiday Movies Christians Need to Know About
The next three selections present formats for
Seasonal Services using Scripture and Carols/Hymns.
The last two may be adaptable for an online service.
Classic Service of "Nine Lessons and Carols"
A Christmas Eve Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
The following "Songbook" was put together many years ago when
we used to gather for a "hay ride" and door-to-door caroling.
When printed double sided on letter size paper
it folds to a 40 page booklet of 62 songs.
Booklet of Seasonal Songs
Guidance from UMC Discipleship Ministries
This is the 3rd week of a 7 week Worship Series from the Discipleship Ministries.
The graphics at the top of this page list the topics for the weeks of the Series.
(Click on an earlier week's graphic to view that week's Resource page.)
Worship Series: "Company's Coming"
from umcdiscipleship.orgWho doesn’t like Advent? It is a season of excitement and anticipation and joy. Lots and lots of joy. Even when we acknowledge that we aren’t ready for what is coming, for the realm that is promised, for the kin-dom we hope for. We admit we have fallen short; we confess that we are wrapped up in ourselves and in things that don’t last; we admit that our watchful waiting has fallen by the wayside. And yet, in this season, there is joy. And we have a sense that we can start all over again, because "Company Is Coming."This Week's Theme: "Deck the Halls"
After finding the mess and cleaning it up, what now? Decorations! We’ve got to make the place look great for those who are coming. We want our welcome to be beautiful and our hospitality to be breathtaking. So where do we start? What do we include? What does it matter?Worship Planning Notes
Preaching Notes
Lectionary Scriptures:
Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11; Psalm 126 ; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8,19-28
Suggested Hymns . Music Notes . DM Accompaniments Sources of Music for the following hymns are:
- UMH CD.....UDM - DM Accompaniment..... MM/DD/YY - Recorded Service Hymns Considered For this week:
.Verses - "People Look East"
207 -.Verses - "Prepare the Way of the Lord"
2073 -.Verses - "Celebrate Love"
2090 -.Verses - "Light the Advent Candle"
3067 - Verses - "Welcome to Our World"