Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
January 31, 2021
Sources of Information for Today's Online Service 264 -
This page has links to information used or encountered in preparing this online service. Demons and Traditions
Unclean Spirit
Demons in the Bible
What Does the Bible say about Demons?
Groundhog Day
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Guidance from UMC Discipleship Ministries
This is the Fourth Service of a 6 service Worship Series from the Discipleship Ministries. The graphics at the top of this page list the topics for the weeks of the Series.
(Click on an earlier week's graphic to view that week's Resource page.)
Worship Series: "Follow Me!"
from umcdiscipleship.orgThere’s nothing ordinary about Ordinary Time anymore. But then it was never really “ordinary.” The season of Epiphany has always been about seeing the light that is Jesus the Christ breaking forth into the world in which we live. Seeing is only the first step, however. We don’t see the light of Christ the same way we see the beauty of the Grand Canyon, for example, or a particularly beautiful sunset. While there is beauty in the presence of Christ, it is a beauty that calls forth a response. There are many ways to respond to the presence of Christ. In this series, we focus on the invitation to follow. It is the mission of the church to make disciples, even as we are being made disciples. It is an ongoing process to follow Jesus; a transformation that continues through every stage of our lives.This Week's Theme: "What Have You to Do with Us?"
Liturgical Resources
We are people on a journey of transformation, and it isn’t always easy. Today, we acknowledge the hard work of becoming disciples and of setting aside the weight that clings so closely, of handing over the reins of our lives so that we can be led into wholeness. And so, we can proclaim wholeness to the broken world around us.Worship Planning Notes
Preaching Notes
Lectionary Scriptures:
Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111 ; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28
Suggested Hymns . DM Accompaniments Sources of Music for the following hymns are:
- UMH CD.....UDM - DM Accompaniment..... MM/DD/YY - Recorded Service Hymns Considered For this week:
.Verses - "Silence, Frenzied, Unclean Spirit"