October 31, 2021
23rd Sunday After Pentecost
Reformation Sunday, Halloween
Sources of Information for Today's Online Service 2223 -
This page has links to information used or encountered in preparing this online service. Reformation Day
The following articles were prepared for Reformation Sunday last year,
in the 10/25/20 online service.
The Protestant Reformation
What is Reformation Day?
Luther's 95 Theses (Wikipedia)
Read and Listen to the English text of the 95 Theses
The English Reformation
Thirty-Nine Articles
The text (1801) of the Anglican "Thirty-Nine Articles"
Map of the Reformations
Methodism in the "Reform" movement
The text (1808) of the Methodist "Articles of Religion" Halloween
The following article comes from Wikipedia
or "All Hallow's E'en", that is: All Saints' Eve All Saints' Day
The following articles were prepared for All Saints Day last year,
in the 11/01/20 online service.
the 3-day "Season"
All Saints' Day
All Souls' Day
Guidance from UMC Discipleship Ministries
This is a Worship Service from the Discipleship Ministries prepared for All Saints Day.This Week's Theme: "Not Far From the Kingdom"
(The Discipleship Ministries considered today as All Saints Sunday, although the UMC calendar places it on next Sunday, which is where it will be observed in Bethel's online service)
Liturgical Resources
All Saints Day is one of those moments where we celebrate and remember those who have made the journey or who have taken the next step. We remember them because they are still a part of us, shaping us, mentoring us – maybe not in a direct way, but in a real way.Worship Planning Notes
Preaching Notes
Lectionary Scriptures:
Ruth 1:1-18; Psalm 146 ; Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 12:28-34
Suggested Hymns . Music Notes . DM Accompaniments Sources of Music for the following hymns are:
- UMH CD.....UDM - DM Accompaniment..... MM/DD/YY - Recorded Service Hymns Considered For this week:
. Verses - "They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love" . (02/02/20)
156 -. Verses - "I Love to Tell the Story" . (UDM, 06/10/18 vs 1,3,4)
393 -. Verse - "Spirit of the Living God" . (01/13/19)