Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
February 12, 2023
Sources of Information for Today's Online Service
This page has links to information used or encountered in preparing this online service. Topics for Today
Wikipedia is a frequent source
for information in these articles.
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
"The Love Chapter"
Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount
The Beatitudes
articles from Wikipedia
What is the Sermon on the Mount?
Bethel Worship Planning Documents
2023 Monthly Worship Calendar
2023 RCL 2 page Summary
Bethel Weekly Worship Planning worksheet
2023 Annual Program Planning worksheet
Guidance from UMC Discipleship Ministries
Weekly Worship Planning Series
This is the 6th of a 7 session Worship Series from the Discipleship Ministries.
The graphics at the top of this page list the topics for the weeks of the Series.
(Click on an earlier graphic to see that session's resource page)
Note: This material from UDM is not the basis for today's message
but is provided here for your personal study and reflection.
Worship Series: "Glimpses of the Kin-dom"
from umcdiscipleship.orgWe are counting the weeks after Epiphany and attempting to get a glimpse of what life as the people of God might be like. We consider some of the most famous passages of scripture to help us shape a vision of the life we are called to live—not just a special, rise-to-the-occasion kind of life, but an everyday life, an ordinary life that isn’t ordinary. Because we believe that followers of Christ who live their faith day by day are anything but ordinary. They stand out; they become models and mentors; they are examples of what life is all about. At least that is our hope and our belief: that our lives represent the kin-dom of God. We are the evidence that our faith is true and our God is at work in the world. In other words, we are now the epiphany, the light shining forth for the world to see. And of course, we will fail from time to time. But how we deal with failure is also a sign of that presence and glimpse of the kin-dom. So, this ordinary time is extra- ordinary in the living of it. Let us embrace the call with grace and with joy.This Week's Theme: "But I Say"
Liturgical ResourcesRelationships within the body are important, but so is the relationship of the church with the wider community. How can you lift community concerns or needs in your prayer time? What acts of service within the community are already in place that you can celebrate? What additional needs could be met, or invitations issued? Who is missing from the body of the church? Jesus calls us to go above and beyond in our attempts to see all the people.Worship Planning Notes
Lectionary Scriptures:
Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Psalm 119:1-8; 1 Corinthians 3:1-9; Matthew 5:21-37
Suggested Hymns . Music Notes . DM Accompaniments Sources of Music for the following hymns are:
- UMH CD.....UDM - DM Accompaniment..... MM/DD/YY - Recorded Service Hymns Considered For this week: