Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
February 2, 2025
Pastor: Ralph Wrightstone |
Music Director: Travis Oaks |
Click on the "Bethel United Methodist Church" script above
for links to some Resource materials for today's service.
Today's church service continued looking at Jesus' early ministry with the rejection of him by his "home" synagogue when he revealed his full mission, however a full "online service" was not prepared for the Sundays of 01/26/25 and 02/02/25. During this "intermission", pastor Ralph sent recordings of the church service message to those on the online service contact list. This page provides access to the recording for today's service. It is presented in "parts" but you may play the "Full" uninterrupted recording if you wish.
Today's Message (Full 10:49)
. Welcome . (00:44)
. Introduction and Scripture: Luke 4:20-30 . (02:20)
You may wish to follow the reading of the scripture in your own Bible.
. Message: "The Unmasking" . (08:29)
. Concluding words . (00:11)
(The "church message" on this day, with the same topic, will be on the "Sermons" page of Bethel's web site later this week.)
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