Bethel UMC Photo Album
2021 Bethel Covid Time Service
May 30, 2021
Heritage Sunday
A beautiful, serene setting for this Memorial Day Sunday
Tuning Up for the service
Coming together
Welcome to Trinity Sunday, Heritage Sunday
and Memorial Day Weekend
"Happy Birthday" Travis...and any more...
"Come to the Church in the Wildwood"
Sharing Memories
Pastor Ralph remembers a May 19, 2019 Heritage Sunday baptism
Others share their stories
Call to Worship, Affirmation and Gloria Patria
Time for sharing Joys, Sorrows and Prayers Travis singing "Give Me That Old Time Religion" Ralph reciting "The Lord Defends the Methodists"
Pastor Ralph delivers the homecoming message: "What Are We About?" the closing Hymn: "How Great Thou Art"
"Bind Us Together"
...all over...but the eating...and the fellowship.
There were 15 "down by the pond" this morning for the 1st service held since CDC guidelines were relaxed.
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