Bethel UMC Photo Album
2021 Bethel Covid Time Service
4th Sunday of Advent
December 19, 2021
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Announcements & Birthdays
Hymn: "Joy to the World"
The McCoy Family lights the 4th Candle, LOVE, in the Advent Wreath
The Call to Worship, Apostle's Creed & Gloria Patria
OT Scripture: Micah 5:2-5a
Special Music: "Do You Hear What I Hear?"
Prayer Concerns
Message Scripture: Luke 1:39-45
Message: "Shared Promises"
Hymn: "The First Noel"
Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together
They Came
There were 24 here this morning, including 3 young persons.
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