Bethel UMC Photo Album
2022 Bethel Covid Time Service
Easter Sunday Service
April 17, 2022
Click an
symbol to hear a recording from the service.
Click here for pictures from the dinner and egg-hunt after.
Decorating the "Flowered Cross"
That's a good start...
...getting more involved... getting a helping hand to top it off.
Greeting arrivals...
Welcome to this Easter Sunday service...
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Announcements and Birthdays/Anniversaries
Mariam Evans, daughter of Edna Tessein,
celebrates her actual birthday on this day
Hymn: "Up From the Grave He Arose"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...Affirmation of Faith...
...and Gloria Patria.
Old Testament Reading
Tina Oaks reads from: Isaiah 65:17-25
Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer...
...and Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Judy & Travis sing "Then Came the Morning"
Judy speaks of her recovery from cancer
during the past year.
The Message
Message Scripture - Luke 24:1-12
Show and Tell - Is it Alive or Dead?
Jesus is not dead...He is Alive!
Message: "Don't Look for the Living Among the Dead"
(This recording is from the online service but follows closely the message in the church service.)
Remembering your Baptism
Jesus instituted 2 sacraments...
the sacraments of Communion...and Baptism.
Today we ask you to Remember Your Baptism
Closing words and chorus (Surely the Presence)
This is a very poor recording but is included here for completeness
Hymn: "He Lives!"
Benediction and prayer for the meal
Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"
Click here for pictures from the dinner and egg-hunt after.
There were 23 here for the church service today.
A larger version of each picture can be viewed by clicking on the small picture. Use the back arrow to return to the Album home page.