Bethel 5th Sunday Gospel Sing
May 29, 2022
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View some video clips from this service
Opening with a congregational rendition
of "Soon and Very Soon"
Pastor Ralph Wrightstone greets those attending...
...and opens with a prayer...
...Part I...
Introduction by Travis Oaks
"Amazing Grace...the Sweetest Song"
Eric takes the lead on "I Was There When it Happened
"There's a Lighthouse on the Hillside"
"I Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now"
"As Long as I Know Jesus...I Can Still Go Free"
...Group Intermission...
An offering to show appreciation for the group
Pastor Ralph reads a poem for the Children of Uvalde
Judy Wrightstone and Travis sing "He Touched Me"
...and there's more...
...Part II...
"Who is on the Lord's Side Now"
Witness by Eric
Witness by Travis...and intro to..."My God is Real"
"Witness by Dave
"Who Am I?...
invitation and reprise
Closing words and Prayer by pastor Ralph
Closing as it began, with "Soon and Very Soon
There were 41 here for this "5th Sunday Gospel Sing" service today. This collection of photos and recordings doesn't include all that was said or sung this night but, hopefully, it will give some idea of what took place and will encourage you and others to come out on another evening.