Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
6th Sunday after Epiphany
February 12, 2023
BulletinThis page has many photos and nearly all of the recorded audio from this Service. Clicking on a photo will display a larger version of the photo. Use your browser's "back arrow" to return to this page. Click on asymbol to begin playing a recording in a separate window or tab of your web browser. While the recording is playing you can return to this page by choosing its Window or Tab of your web browser. It is best to end the playing of a recording and stop its Window or Tab before starting to play another recording.
Click "Love Luncheon" for pictures from the meal after the service.![]()
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Opening Prayer...
...and...does anybody do Crossword Puzzles?...
...a crossword puzzle book for Don...
Welcome to Valentine's Day "Pre-Eve"...
...we're having a "Love Luncheon" today...
...and an Emaius Gathering at 5:00 pm Saturday, here at Bethel...
...and more on the Emaius gathering and program
...there were several in the announcement slides...
...and one more...Pat Singletary...
..."I didn't want this birthday"...
Pat enters a new decade
Hymn: " Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed...and...Gloria Patria
...speaking about church needs...and appreciation for support...
...with Prayer of Thanksgiving...and singing of the Doxology
Old Testament Reading - Psalm 119:1-8
Comments about translations, verse 9 and commentary...
...about "Accountability"
Special Music
Pastor Ralph speaks of gifts of singing...
...Travis shares his gift, singing...
...of "The Goodness of God"...
The Message
Comments on the pandemic's effects on churches
Message Scripture - Matthew 5:21-37
Message: "Reconciliation"
A problem with the microphone at about 09:40 into the message
affected the tone and volume of the remainder.
Hymn: "Softly and Tenderly"
Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"
Prayer for the Luncheon
Click "Love Luncheon" for pictures from the meal after the service.
There were 16 here for the service today.
A larger version of each picture can be viewed by clicking on the small picture. Use the back arrow to return to the Album home page.