Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
5th Sunday of Lent
March 26, 2023
BulletinThis page has many photos and nearly all of the recorded audio from this Service. Clicking on a photo will display a larger version of the photo. Use your browser's "back arrow" to return to this page. Click on asymbol to begin playing a recording in a separate window or tab of your web browser. While the recording is playing you can return to this page by choosing its Window or Tab of your web browser. It is best to end the playing of a recording and stop its Window or Tab before starting to play another recording.
Bethel's senior Acolyte...
...attempts to light the altar candles...with the pastor's help
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
...considering a change of emphasis in focus of services
...but still looking at the OT Reading today from Psalm 130...
...concerning depression
Continuing with the Announcements...
...we're having a "new song" today...Holy Water...
...welcome to the 5th Sunday of Lent...
...the Bishop's in town tomorrow...
...words have meaning.
Any other announcements?...
...Tricia will be helping with the music on Easter... Sunrise Service?...down by the 7:00?...
...status of Judy's health
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Hymn: " Lord, I Lift Your Name on High"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Affirmation...and...Gloria Patria
Appreciation for offerings of service and support...
...prayer of thanksgiving...and...singing of the Doxology
NT Scripture
Tina reads the NT Scripture: Romans 8:5-11
Commentary about translations
Prayer Concerns
Special Music
Introduction to special of "Holy Water"
sung by Travis and Tricia
The Message
Message introduction...
...and Synopsis of scripture: John 11:1-20
...continuing with scripture: John 11:21-45
The Message: "When Time Stands Still"
Hymn: " I Surrender All"
Closing Words and...
...Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"
There were 14 here for the service today.
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