Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
7th Sunday of Easter
Ascension Sunday
May 21, 2023
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...Bethel's "Trainee Acolyte" lights the candles today...
Welcome and Prelude
Opening Prayer
This is the UMC Heritage Sunday...
...ours was last week along with Mother's Day...
...also Aldersgate Sunday...
...and an SPRC report is coming after the service
...Travis has one coming up later...this week...he'll wait...
...well then, let's sing the Happy Birthday/Anniversary song
Opening Hymn: "All Hail King Jesus"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
.....Apostle's Creed......and Gloria Patria
Giving the Connectional System of Methodism...
Comments about Aldersgate Day...and the evolution of Methodism...
...and the formation of the UMC in 1968..
...with a personal note
Ending with the Singing of the Doxology
Prayer Concerns
Prayer Concerns...
...update on Judy's treatments....and her oldest brother has fallen...
Sandra's department is being moved
Marc will be out of town this summer and unable to update the church sign
Pastoral Prayer...and...Lord's Prayer
Scripture Reading
NT Scripture: Acts 1:1-2,6-14
Special Music
Special: "I've Been Born Again"
Comments about Special Gifts
The Message
Scripture: "John 17:1-11"
Message: "The Fire Life"
Closing Prayer
Closing Hymn: "Glorify Thy Name"
Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together
There was a burial in Bethel's cemetery during the past week
There were 16 here for the church service today.
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