Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
9th Sunday after Pentecost
5th Week of "Holy Spirit School"
July 30, 2023
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Opening the Service
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord
Arthur Hazard served as acolyte today
Opening Prayer
Welcome and talk with Arthur who is returning from vacation...
Mentioning the "Highway 20 Family" and a book in Bethel's "Archives"
Any other announcements...
...the Holy Spirit School will be in recess next week...
...Tina will be leading the services
Tina reads a note from Judy...
...and Ralph speaks about a New "Birthday"
Birthdays? or Anniversaries?...
Hymn: "Shout to the Lord"
Call to Worship...
...the Apostle's Creed......and.....Gloria Patria
Offerings of praise, thanksgiving and singing of the Doxology
OT Reading: Proverbs 11:1
...and commentary.
Prayer Concerns
Prayer Concerns...
...shared joys...
...and prayers for our country and those still undecided
Pastoral Prayer...and...the Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Now a special song from travis...
..."My God is Real"
...Applause and comments...
Sandra speaks about a moment
from last week's service
The Message
Message Scripture "Luke 4:1-13"
Message: Holy Spirit School, part 5
Closing remarks and Closing Prayer
Closing the Service
Hymn: "Holy Ground"...
...while Arthur performs the acolyte's duty...
...of extinguishing the candles...
...and taking the light back into the world...
Benediction, Closing Chorus...and...
...the School of the Holy Spirit is in Recess until...
...but the conversations continue...
There were 15 here for the church service today.
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