Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Palm Sunday
March 24, 2024
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Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
...while Arthur brings the light of Christ to the altar
Welcome and Announcements
Welcome, to this house of God...Bethel...
...comments about yesterday's community event
I think everybody's here from yesterday...
...come stand up here at the altar.
Lay Leader, Tina, reports on the event
What about leftovers from the yard sale...
...we have someone here with experience in that...
...and I've heard some comments...
..."Come on down Sandra..."
Thanks to all...with anointing...
...and conversations...
...about many things...
More about pastor Ralph's week...and yesterday...
"Tina, could you close us with a prayer..."
Birthdays or Anniversaries?
A gift for the pastor from Jo Ann and Mark...
Hymn: "All Hail King Jesus"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed......and......Gloria Patria
Special Activity
Speaking about "Passion Sunday", "Easter Sunday", "Palm Sunday"...
... and the "Rose of Sharon"...
Judy passes out special "Palm Roses"
Youth Message
Speaking of return to youth ministry..."chumming"
The Message: Hosanna to the King...
from John 12:12-15
Offerings of thanks and praise....and singing of Doxology
Old Testament Reading
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 50:4-11
Commentary on the Old Testament reading
Joys, Concerns and Praises
Prayer Concerns...
Mark's surgery is scheduled...Sandra's family...Ralph & Judy's son-in-law
Comments about the "Celebrate Recovery" program in Quincy
other concerns..Janie & Craig returning from PA and Jo Ann Carlson's Mother is coming
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Introduction of special...
...Judy and Travis sing "In the Garden"
Remarks about bringing young people back into church...
...and "getting drug" to church
The Message
Message Scripture: Mark 11:1-11
Message: "Lay it All Down"
Closing Remarks...what Palm Sunday is all about...
...and what about the donkey?
Introduction to the Hymn...the whole song
Hymn: "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Arthur takes the light of Christ...
...back out into the world...
The symbolism of the Talif draped cross...
...Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"..."
...and benedicton
There were 17 here for the church service today, including one young person
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