Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Easter Sunday Service
March 31, 2024
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Click here for pictures of the dinner after.
Decorating the "Flowered Cross"
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Acolytes light the candles
Opening Prayer
Welcome......and greetings
...I see some familiar faces...
...speaking to Carole Hazard and daughter Allie...
...the Pafford family is here...and Jo Ann's mother...sitting next to another Joann...
...and there will be something a little different later on
...we eat today...please stay.....communion next Sunday...
...anyone watch the Easter service at the vatican...the language may be unfamiliar...
...what's interesting...the parts we recognize...
...we had a great Easter Sunrise service...and the rooster crowed on time
Introduce Jo Ann Carlson as liturgist
Continue Announcements...Birthdays...Patsy and Judy...
....devotionals are in...both Upper Room and Our Daily Bread...
...hold up your hand and Don will bring one to you...
...Our Daily Bread is written by clergy and Upper Room primarily by laity...
Anniversaries?......just a minute...I see a baby about to come in...
....welcome baby Elizabeth...
...and the Pafford family is complete...
![]() Birthday/Anniversary to you...
Trevor...go out and greet your Aunt Nina...
...we actually lock the door to keep you in...
![]() that came that you know.
Introduction and Hymn: "He Lives"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Affirmation of faith.....and....Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: "Alive Again!"
...Come on Down...
...explaining the "Holy Catholic Church" phrase in the Apostle's Creed
This is the Happiest Day of the Year isn't it!...Why?...
...Yes!...Jesus rose from the dead!...
...speaking of death and burial customs today...
...and in Jesus' day............because of Easter, we have Hope!
A word of Prayer for the Young People
A message for Nigel
Offerings of Thanks and Praise...
...and singing of the Doxology
OT Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 31:1-6
Recognizing the contributions of many in the church...
...speaking of the Body of Christ as a tapestry
Prayer Concerns
Listening to Joys, concerns and praises...
...pleased to have daughter Nigel, gson John Metcalfe...and Cheryl from Springtime...
(0:25)...Concerns for friend of Linda, Melanie Worley...
(0:49)...and Jo Ann's Aunt in Kansas City...
...Hear our Prayers Lord....
(01:05)...Sandra, cousin passed...rain at cemetery...but accomplished...
(02:53) ...Carole's 13-year old son killed in accident...
(03:38)...Arthur had all A' on honor roll...
(04:10)...Sandra has a praise...found lost papers...
(05:17)...Cheryl is having brain surgery April 16..
..and Mark is having shoulder surgery on April 10...
Pastoral Prayer....and the Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Introducing the Special Song
Travis sings: "He's Alive"
The Message
Introduction and Scripture:Show and describe the Empty Tomb...
...all 3 gospels record the sunrise today we read from Matthew...
...and now from Mark 16:1-8
Message:"Rise Up With Power"
Closing Remarks...He is Risen Indeed!
Hymn: "Shine, Jesus, Shine"
The Acolytes take the Light of Christ back into the world
Announcing the closing chorus will be sung outside...
...exiting the church
Gathering in front of the church...
...for the singing of...
"Bless Be the Tie that Binds"
Click here for pictures of the dinner after.
There were ?? here for the worship service today.
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