Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 21, 2024
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Welcome back Judy....and pastor Ralph
Greeting return visitor James Henley
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Welcome and Announcements
Tina not feeling well and Travis is at home with her...
...welcome to visitor James Henley...and Don (and Tracy) Bitner...
...and next week is Heritage Sunday at the pond
Birthdays and Anniversaries?...
![]() birthdays, anniversaries or other celebration?...
...then sing our Birthday/Anniversary song
Hymn: "Savior Like a Shepherd,Lead Us
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
.....Apostle's Creed.......and.......Gloria Patria
Youth Message
"How many Young People here today?"...raise your hands...
...talking about the shepherd staff...
...and an olive wood figure of a shepherd from the holy land...
...think of Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
Thanks for offerings, service and blessings...
...and singing of the Doxology
Explaining a phrase in the Apostle's Creed
Reading of OT Scripture: "Psalm 23"
Commentary on the reading
Joys, Concerns and Praises
Prayer Concerns...
...have already mentioned Tina and Travis...
...Linda,great nephew...Jo Ann,brother-in-law...and Mark's new shoulder.....
...let me see that shoulder work...
...Betty's sister Pat, surgery tomorrow...
...Judy lost a cousin 2 wks ago, service is this week...
...and Don & Tracy's daughter Gabby (former Bethel youth) is moving away...
...we think of our youth often.
Pastoral Prayer...
...and the Lord's Prayer
The Message
Message Scripture: "John 10:11-18"
Message: "The Big Bad Wolf", part 1
Reading from Ezekiel 24:11-31
Continuing the message...
Closing words
Hymn: "Sanctuary"
Speaking of "God's Love Letter" to us...
...gathering in the center aisle for singing of "Bind Us Together"...
....and the Benediction
The Olive wood shepherd...and parting words
There were 17 here for the church service today
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