Bethel UMC Photo Album
After Tornado Visited Neighborhood
May 11, 2024
These pictures were taken Saturday morning after the tornado came through early Friday morning. Those living on properties adjoining Bethel's spoke of hearing the iconic "freight train" sound as the storm swept through. Much of the debris in the immediate area of the church had been picked up by the time these pictures were taken.
(Note: If you change the width of the page, the pictures will adjust with it.)
Meeting Don at the church on Sat after the storm
Looking at the property across the road...the tornado went right over there
Looking down the road to the right...tree near mail box crossed the road
Looking toward fellowship hall...tree at right corner decapitated
Trees at back corner of cemetery were knocked down
Moving up the South side of the cemetery.
Another look at the tree in front of the fellowship hall.
...and between the shed and parsonage...
...and the back yard of the parsonage
Then back around toward the church...and that tree.
A tree on Don Singletary's former to Donnie White's home
Some of the same views....different camera
...note the damage to back corner of the youth room...
....and to the roof over the mower storage area.
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