Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Pentecost Sunday
May 19, 2024
When arriving at the church this morning, it was uncertain whether the power had yet been restored...but, it this comes closer to being a "normal" Sunday service...with a shadow of the events in the recent past.Click here to see pictures taken outside the church this morning.
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Welcome and Announcements
Welcome to Tina and Travis returning from France...
...everybody here survived the storm...
...but many are still recovering...
Welcome to Pentecost Sunday...more talk of tornado damage...
What Else is going on... about Celebrate Recovery events at Killearn and in Gadsden County...
Don talks of damage to Bethel property...
...good thing insured by conference...other damage to neighbors...
...and discussion of hair styles...
...I used to have a mustache
Any Birthdays?...besides the church on Pentecost...
...Travis will wait until next week...
...let's sing Tina's Birth/Anniversary day song...
Hymn: "I Will Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed......and.......Gloria Patria
Youth Message
A Message for the Youth: "Your Ticket to Heaven"
Expressing Thanks and Praise
Thanks for offerings of support, service and...
...singing of the Doxology
Old Testament Reading
Old Testament Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14
Commentary on the reading
Joys, Praises and Concerns
Prayer Concerns...
...Do You have a word to bring us from Paris?...
...Orlando Airport doesn't have enough parking!...
...any Joys and Concerns that you may have...
...for those affected by Tornado...Dave Watson......
...for Travis' older brother...
...for waitress, Angie, in Lamont...
...Jo Ann experiences after storm...and for her mom's leg...
...she will be returning to Indiana...
...Debbie will be going to Texas.......having some bad storms there...
...Linda has praise...she and Dave are selling their camper...
...Annual conference will be available online using zoom...
...glad that Tina will be going to Annual Conference this year... learn what went on at General Conference.![]()
Pastoral Prayer....and Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Introduction of Special Song...
....when I was about 3 years's about heaven...
Travis sings: I've Never Been this Homesick Before...
The Message
Introduction and Scripture: John 16:25-33
Message: Breaking Through
Closing words
"The Man in the Glass" A Poem mentioned in the Message.
Hymn: "I'm So Glad Jesus Lifted Me"
Gathering in the center Aisle...
for the Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together..." "...and Benediction
Parting Conversations
There were 15 here for the church service today
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