Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Second Sunday After Pentecost
June 2, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
. Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
. pre-Welcome...
...Welcome and Announcements...
...this is Communion Sunday...lot of work still going up...'s still not working......Friday is National Donut Day...
...are we eating next week?'s a tradition...
....long discussion of FSU regional baseball play...
.......a long time coming.
. How 'bout Birthdays
...Are you still celebrating, Travis?...
...several birthdays coming up in June...
....Anniversaries?.....then let's sing Tina's song
. Telling the story of the next Hymn.
. Hymn: "It Is Well With My Soul"
Call to Worship
. Call to Worship
....Apostle's Creed........and.........Gloria Patria
Youth Message
. Feeling Young?
. Youth Message: "Right Way or Wrong Way"
. Offertory...
....and Singing of the Doxology
. Explaining why we're no longer
"passing the plate"
. Received a text from Jo Ann 2...
. Tina reads the OT Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1-10
. Commentary on the OT Scripture
Joys, Praises and Concerns
. Prayer Concerns...
...Travis reports on his brother Mike...
..Sandra reports of her grand-daughter's broken wrist...
...Linda reminds of unspoken prayers...
...Tina asks prayers for girl named Amie...
...and Sandra asks prayers for work
. Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer
. Using the "Mute" button..
The Message
. Introduction and Scripture: Mark 2:23-3:6
. Message: "Battle with the Sabbath"
Communion Service
. Explaining Communion..
....sharing the elements...
....invitation to the table...
....taken at the altar....or in the pew...
...returning to the pews.
. Hymn: "I Surrender All"
Special Music
. Remembering a forgotten special...
. Judy & Travis sing: "Blessed Assurance"
. Final Words...
.....Thank you for gather in the center aisle...
....don't forget we eat next week...
......for the Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"....
....... and benediction
There were 16 here for the church service today
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