Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Second Sunday After Pentecost
June 9, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
This service was not recorded, but to provide a more complete experience
the audio recordings prepared for the online service have been used where appropriate
Mark Carlson serves as bell-ringer.....before coming inside...
Gathering and greeting
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Welcome and Announcements
Don has new upper rooms for anyone who would like one...
...someone is coming to the side door...
...Tracy Bitner enters with her father...
...welcome Malcolm...
![]() we are complete.
Today is a second Sunday... there will be eating after the service...
...Right, Don?...
....Please plan to stay...there is always enough...and more.
Hymn: "Here I Am, Lord"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
(Jo Ann Carlson led the Call to Worship in the church service)
...Apostle's Creed...and Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Why a Youth Message?
Youth Message: "On the Jesus Team"
Giving thanks and praise, singing "The Doxology"
OT Scripture: "Psalm 138"
(Jo Ann Carlson read the scripture in the church service)
Joys, Praises and Concerns
Prayer Concerns...
(When the church service is recorded, the album page allows you to hear the spoken joys and concerns of the gathered, which is missing this week.)
Pastoral Prayer
...and the Lord's Prayer
Special Song
Special Song: "He Touched Me"
Judy and Travis sang this as a special today in the church service.
Click here to sing along with them on this 10/22/17 recording of the hymn.
The Message
Message Scripture: Mark 3:20-35
Message: "Then He Went Home"
Hymn: "As the Deer"
Gather in the center aisle...
....for the closing chorus: "Bind Us Together"...
...and the benediction
Then off to the fellowship hall...
Fellowship Dinner
Admin Council Meeting
Talking over trustees business...
...a long overdue admin council meeting...
There were 18 here for the church service today
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