Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Fathers Day
June 16, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Welcome and Announcements
Welcome to Father's Day at Bethel...
Any Announcements?...
...first day of summer.....watermelon festival...birthdays?...
...Tina reports on charity fishing tournament...raised $140,000...
...delegating....and "passing the baton"
Birthdays??(next week)...Anniversaries??...let's sing
Fathers Day Celebration
...Tina passes out mementos recognizing fathers...
Hymn: "Everlasting God"
Some tales about group singing
...a story.....and a confession
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
....Apostle's Creed......and .....Gloria Patria![]()
About the Youth Message in the bulletin....Fathers Day...
Sharing about Fathers...
...fathers are an important part of the family...
...several shared stories of their the shown offsets into the recording...
...(01:27) Travis shares...
...(02:10) and Tina...
...(02:40) Debbie McCoy...
...(03:07) Phill Brown...
...(03:46) Linda Cisne....
...(04:18) Sandra Willys...
...(05:42) Judy Wrightstone...
...(06:40) common elements of stories...
...(07:14) Jim Pafford...
...(07:40) Ralph, on imitating our fathers...
...(08:22) Sandra, father's work ethic passed down...
...(09:38) Ralph, it takes a father and a mother.
Give thanks and sing praise with the Doxology.
OT Scripture
Thanks for Sharing...
...and Tina reads the scripture: Psalm 20
Joys, Concerns and Praises
Prayer Concerns
Pastoral prayer and the Lord's Prayer
Special Song
Travis sings: "We Have a Heavenly Father"
The Message
Scripture: Mark 4:26-34
Message: "Do You Believe in Miracles?"
Invitation Hymn: "Seek Ye First"
Closing Hymn: "His Name Is Wonderful"
Gather in the center aisle...
...Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"...
.....and Benediction
Going home...
There were 16 here for the church service today
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