Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
June 23, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Friday is John Wesley's birthday....are you going to celebrate?...
...Jo Ann 2 and Mark are in Valdosta...
...and we missed singing Happy Birthday to Tracy last week...
![](), Happy Birthday Tracy...what did you get for your birthday?...
...any Anniversaries? but 3 grand-daughters with birthdays...
....then sing...Happy Anniversary for any not here.
Hymn: "You Are My All in All"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed......and......Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: "Be Prepared"
Thanking God for our blessings...
...and our answered prayers...
...with the singing of the Doxology
Old Testament Scripture
Tina will be coming to share the scripture....
...but first a background story...
Tina reads: Ecclesiastes 1:1-18
Joys, Concerns and Praises
Prayer Concerns...
Travis reports on his brother Mike...
...Linda reports on her friend, Dr. Sawyer...and Tracy on her Dad...
...Linda asks about Judy's friend Austen.....he's doing well...
...but they have a praise, a baby on the way.....and Judy asks Travel Mercies for Trevor...
...and speaks of her older brother who went into the hospital...
Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Introduction to this special song
Travis sings: "It's My Desire"
The Message
Introduction to the Scripture
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41
Message: Dancing in the Wind
Closing Prayer
Hymn: "O How He Loves You And Me"
...Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"
...Go in Peace..
There were 12 here for the church service today
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