Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
July 7, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Arthur brings the flame of the spirit to the altar...
Welcome and Announcements
...dinner next week after church service...
...Phill & Betty are leaving for 3-week vacation this week...
...tell us more...
More Announcements
Walk to Emmaius will meet Saturday, the 20th... celebration of local Big Bend Chapter...
...Bethel will be hosting...covered dish dinner, all welcome at 12:00...
Birthdays and Anniversaries...
...Judy's mother has one today...
...pastor is celebrating 3 anniversaries...
...30th year of ministry...38 years of sobriety...
...and someone else is coming up out front...
How about Independence Day celebrations...
...Travis watched fireworks at Southwood.....and Arthur saw them at St. Martins
Welcome home celebration for Gabby...
...Gabby was part of our youth group and the Garage band...
...what are your plans now?...
Sing the "Happy Birthday/Anniversary song
Hymn: "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
....Apostle's Creed......and......Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: "Traveling Light"...
...How many of you here are heart?...
...a lesson from evangelist John Riley...
Singing the Doxology
OT Scripture: "Psalm 48"
Special Music
Introduction...and special: "In the Presence of Jehovah"
That other Anniversary...
Praises, Joys and Concerns
Prayer Concerns...
...Linda speaks of her younger brother Tommy Plate...
and Judy remembers ones helping with recovery from tornado...
...Arthur speaks of two family members who passed away...
...Judy speaks of check-up on Tuesday...and Carol speaks of promotion and moves...
...Jo Ann speaks of profession of faith and baptism of her grand-daughter...
...and Betty asks traveling mercies....
...Sandra asks continued prayers for Roger Fields...
Pastoral Prayer....and...Lord's Prayer
The Message
Message Scripture: "Mark 6:1-13"
Commentary..."Two is Better than One"
Message: "Just Shake it Off"...
...are any of you Swifties?...
Communion Service
Service of Communion
Hymn: "He Has Made Me Glad"
Arthur takes the flame of the spirit from the altar back into the world
Remember the fellowship dinner next week
Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"
and Benediction
There were 18 here for the church service today
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