Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
August 11, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Welcome and Announcements
...welcome to Mary....Tracy and Don are here.....and Sandra...
...Next Monday, the Nineteenth...
...our new District Superintendent will be here at 9:30am to meet with us...
...and we will eat today after the service.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
...Jo Ann's mother's was yesterday...
...Sandra's daughter Jessica turned 30 this week...
...what about Anniversaries?...
...Linda's step-daughter's was the 9th... ...and Mark said his and Jo Ann's is the 26th...
![]() least he remembered it early in the month...
...stand to sing the "Happy Birthday/Anniversary song"
Introduction to the hymn
Getting the "drum machine" started... more we go again...
Now sing along: "You Are My All in All"
Call to Worship
First some's not really complicated...
Now follow along with the: Call to Worship
...Apostle's Creed.......and........Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: "Making Sense"
...Have you ever tried a Rubik's Cube?...
...God has given us lives that are very challenging...
...This past week the weather gave us many challenges...
...We were without power....and then the phone rang...
...when your life is all messed up...God will send help...
Closing Prayer
...Offering thanks and praise...
....with the singing of the Doxology
...It's warm in here...
Old Testament Scripture
OT Scripture: Psalm 130
Commentary...Overcoming Depression
Joys, Concerns and Praises
Prayer Concerns
...Linda, prayers for her younger brother...
...and for Ken Tomlinson...and her nephew...
...and Judy for syster-in-law with lung cancer...
...Travis for step-father, Reggie...
...Tracy for her father, Malcolm...
...Sandra, better at work...will be away for two weeks...
...Mary shares about her ministry...
...good to see the pews filling up, in this view from the back...
...don't miss the Emmaus pictures in the photo album...
Pastoral Prayer....and...the Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Introduction and Special Music: "My God is Real"
The Message
Introduction to the Message
Message Scripture: "John 6:35,41-51"
Message: "AA or AAA = A?"
Hymn: "As The Deer"
...gathering in the center aisle...
...for the closing chorus "Bind Us Together"...
...and invitation to stay for lunch
Fellowship Dinner after the Service
There were 19 here for the church service today
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