Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Labor Day Weekend
September 1, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Welcome and Announcements
I didn't hear the bell this morning...
...welcome to Linda Cisne's sister and nephew...
...and discussion of Linda and the help she is receiving...reluctantly...
...This is the first day of ...fall...
...we're having communion today....and Monday is Labor day...
...FSU has a game....and did you see the games this weekend...
I got a voice mail from...Goodwood...having an historical event on September 10th
which will include a mention of Bethel...and the web site...
...also got an email from Lon and Lucy Wright...
...with "God's Blessings on Bethel"...
Anniversaries and Birthdays...
...a little bird told me...about an anniversary...
...Phill and Betty Brown celebrate their 55th...
...any birthdays...then sing....
![]() Sunday we eat....and the Upper Rooms are in
Hymn: "I Will Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship
...Apostle's Creed......and.....Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: "Should We Wash Our Dirty Hands?"
![]()'s not what goes in that defiles but what come out...
![]() dirty hands are ok?.......but you should wash them...
![]() children here today...but guess who is here today...
...all (of you) the children of God
Singing the Doxology
Old Testament Scripture
Reading the Scripture: Song of Solomon 2:8-13
A message from the scripture
...speaking of the lectionary...
...why a "Whole Book" dedicated to the "Song of Solomon"?...
![]() speaks to what is at the heart of our most intimate relationships...
Joys, Concerns and Praises
Prayer Concerns...
...Jo Ann speaks of a recovery? (bad audio)...
...and Linda Cisne's fall is mentioned...the hazards of walking the dog.
Welcoming a neighbor, Terry, representing Celebrate Recovery...
...and discussion of the Celebrate Recovery program...meeting on Mondays
Judy speaks of her Sister-in-law's cancer treatment
and her brother is better.
Pastoral Prayer...and the Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Judy and Travis sing: "The Family of God"
Speaking of selling the church van...
...we started picking up a few kids...grew to filling a 17 person van...
![]() was good for the could happen again
The Message
Introduction and scripture: "James 1:17-27"
and Commentary on the scripture.
Scripture and Commentary on: "Mark 7:1-8"
Message: "We Are Special"
Communion Service
Service of Communion
Hymn: "His Eye is On the Sparrow"
Closing words and gathering for the Closing Chorus and benediction.
There were 15 here for the church service today
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