Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
26th Sunday After Pentecost
November 17, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Welcome and Announcements
....I'm looking for something....what have you to say Jo Ann?....
...God is so Good!...We Went to Cape Canaveral last week...
...we saw 2 rocket launches...and cruise ships...and an alligator...
![]() would have been really cool to see....
Guess what!...Advent's coming...
...the Chrismon service will be on the 1st Sunday of December...
....Communion will be on Christmas Eve...
...sometime in Dec Janie & Craig may be hosting one of the Hymn sings... Sunday we will put up the Chrismon tree after the service.
Birthdays?....Tina had one...but we didn't get her picture...
...Ok...picture how old?...would you believe 62?...
...sing Happy Birthday....any anniversaries?...sing Happy Anniversary
Judy mentions birthday today of a grandson...
Introduction to Hymn...Travis' plans
Hymn: "Everlasting God"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed......and......Gloria Patria
One more announcement....Celebrate Recovery meeting.....
Youth Message
Youth Message: "Everlasting Promises"...
...we're getting close to Thanksgiving and the end of the year...
![]() thing that never ends is God's promises...
...I've got a little commentary about promises...
![]() it seems that the most sincere human promises are made to be broken...
...not so with God's promises...consider some of God's promises...
![]() can count on God's promises.
What else?...Thanksgiving is coming up...are you thankful?...
Offering Thanks and Praise
We Are Thankful...we should be thankful all the time for this gift of life...
....the only bad thing about this gift of life is we didn't get to choose our name...
...Do you know how you got your name?...
...Now they call me Butchie Boo.
Singing the Doxology
...I didn't know my name until...
Old Testament Scripture
Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:1-10
Comments on the Reading
Joys, Concerns and Prayers
Prayer Concerns...
Many concerns were expressed at this time.
The offsets into the recording for the requests are shown as (mm:ss).
(00:12) - Ralph's sister Janet Hoffman
(00:41) - Tracee Bitner reported Don's blood pressure is high
(00:52) - Mark asks prayers for Jo Ann's shoulder
(01:10) - Linda reports end of PT for her arthritis
...and brother David going back to Birmingham
(02:00) - Sandra's mother-in-law diagnosed with breast cancer, she is 89
(02:33) - Ralph reports of memorial service for former Bethel pastor George Potter...
![]()'s a sad thing.......but...
(04:00) - Travis speaks of seeing whales on trip to New Mexico
...also Tina is going to visit relatives for Thanksgiving...
(05:42) - Judy reports on nephew Austin and sister-in-law
(06:57) - Sandra reports of passing of 95 yr old uncle
and asks prayers for family
(07:51) - Linda asks prayers for Pat Singletary
(08:05) - Jo Ann reports on newspaper article about death of a foster child
...and asks prayers for foster children
(09:34) - Travis speaks of plans for sharing on social media
(10:58) - Tina (and Ralph) are encouraging Travis to write items for the Upper Room
Pastoral Prayer......and the Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Travis sings: "All My Sins Are Forgiven"
The Message
Introduction and Scripture: "Mark 13:1-13"
Message: "Jesus is Always on Time"
Hymn: "How Majestic is Your Name"
Gathering in the center aisle...
...holding hands...
...for the closing chorus and benediction
There were 16 here for the church service today
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