Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Reign of Christ Sunday
Thanksgiving Sunday
November 24, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
The altar has been prepared for Thanksgiving
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
We'll be setting up the tree after the service...this is Christ the King Sunday...
...Thanksgiving is coming up...and the Seminoles won...
Birthdays and Anniversaries...Janie's son David is turning 25...
...singing Happy Birthday David....and Anniversaries?
Introduction and Hymn: "Shine, Jesus, Shine"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed......and......Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: "Are You a King or a Queen?"
Offering of thanks...
...reading from a letter from our Bishop...
...comments on a hymn, Now Thank we All Our God...
...and singing of the Doxology
OT Scripture
Scripture: "Psalm 23"
...and Commentary
Joys, Concerns and Praises
Prayer Concerns...
Linda and Tina are traveling, Jo Ann is expecting company...
...Janie is having foot surgery...the day before Thanksgiving...
...Sandra has a praise...her mother-in-law had 89th birthday...
...and a concern that a friend passed...and a cousin of Stan passed yesterday...
...and pastor Ralph spoke of attending a memorial service yesterday for George Potter...
...a former pastor of Bethel
...Judy speaks of children traveling...sister-in-law in hospice care...
...and new Great-grandson (Maverick) is doing well (11 lbs)...
...keep Pat Singletary in prayer...and for those gathering for Thanksgiving...
...and some final remarks about turkeys
A borrowed Prayer...and...the Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Introduction and special: "Amazing Grace Seems so Far Away"
...could you read the words for us...
The Message
Message Scripture: John 18:33-37
Message: "What Is Truth?"
Hymn: "Give Thanks"
Gather in center aisle...
...join hands...and sing the closing chorus...
...for the benediction
Setting up for Chrismon Sunday next week
There were 13 here for the church service today
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