Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Second Sunday of Advent
December 8, 2024
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Click Church to see the bulletin for the service.
Welcome - with comments about a recent international event...
...several away today...Linda Cisne will serve as liturgist today
Prelude (Accapello): "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Travis was sick at home today and problems with the audio play resulted
in all hymns being sung "accapello"...without accompaniment
Welcome (again) and Announcements...
...recognising those entering...and absent...
....received email from Jim Cline who maintains contact thru online messages
Birthdays and Anniversaries...
...Janie had a birthday last week...Judy's grandson Trevor had birthday Friday...
...Linda's mother would have been 101...and Judy's dad 112...
...sing Happy Birthday...
![]() anniversaries...but sing anyway
Hymn:(accapello) "Go Tell it On the Mountain"
Comments about hymns and videos
Lighting of Advent Candles, by Betty and Phillip Brown
post comments
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
....Apostle's Creed....and......Gloria Patria (accapello)
Youth Message
Youth Message: Secret to a Wonderful Life
Offering thanks and Doxology (accapello)
Old Testament Reading
OT Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-5, read by Linda Cisne
Praises, Joys and Concerns
Prayer Concerns...
...Linda's brother David Plate is having liver troubles...
...he has fear's of leaving the hospital...dying and leaving his wife alone...
...(01:20)Sandra...a tough week...multiple memorial services...
...prayers for work...
...(02:50) Don Bitner has a few things going on now...
with his arteries and blood pressure...
...these sometimes need a special touch...and prayer...
...(04:25) Debbie has a praise...both of her boys are being promoted...
...(04:50) Judy has a praise too...a grand-daughter (in-law?) graduated yesterday...
...(05:16) Sandra has niece stationed in Jordan...prayers for her...
...(06:50) Linda has praise...Austin Smith is home after bone marrow transplant...
...(06:25) pastor reports concerns of his "new next-door" neighbor
Lord's Prayer
No Special Hymn today...I was going to sing...
The Message
Message Scripture: John 3:1-6
Message: "The Move of God"
Hymn:(accapello) "Silent Night"
Gathering in the center aisle for...
...the Closing Chorus and Benediction
There were 14 here for the service today
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