Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 22, 2024
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Click bulletin to see the church bulletin for the service.
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"
Welcome and Announcements
...speaking of meeting of rural churches...
...Janie Zody speaks about the Christmas Carol Sing this afternoon...
...speaking of the advent wreath and menorah...festivals of lights...
...Don Singletary speaks of the getting alarm systems working...
...thanks Don for getting that done...
...4th Sunday of Advent...Carol Sing...Christmas Eve service...
...and Upper Rooms for Jan-Feb are in the narthex.
Birthdays (Jesus' on Wednesday) and Anniversaries...
...sing the Happy Birthday/Annviversary song
Hymn: "Angels We Have Heard on High"
Lighting Advent Candles
Lighting the Four Candles by the McCoy Family
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed......and.....Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: Magnify the Lord
Giving thanks to God and singing of the Doxology
Old Testament Scripture
This Book is full of things that Magnify the Lord...
Jo Ann Carlson reads the OT Scripture: Micah 5:2-5
Talking about Bethel web site's online service...
Joys, Concerns and Praises
Prayer Concerns...on the web site...and...
...Linda asks continued prayers for her brother David's battle with liver cancer...
...and family of friend Eddie White, who died yesterday morning...
...and her nephew who is 6-month sober and found a church...
...pastor Ralph speaks of success of 12-step programs...
...Sandra will attend birthday party of grand-daughter
...speaks of her niece in Jordan...half-way thru her deployment...
...and Linda speaks of Eddie White's father and prayers for the family
Pastoral prayer...
...and the Lord's Prayer
No special Music today...
...saving voices for the carol sing this afternoon
The Message
Message Scripture: Luke 1:46-55
and the song "Mary Did You Know?"
Message: "What Happened to Mary?"
Hymn: "The First Noel"
Gather in the center aisle...
...speaking of the Christmas Carol Sing this afternoon at 4:00
Singing the Closing Chorus...
...and benediction
There were 21 here for the service today
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