Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Christmas Sunday
December 29, 2024
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Click bulletin to see the church bulletin for the service.
Craig Zody will be at the keyboard today....senior accolyte Donnie white lights the candles
Greeting and Gathering
Welcome...and Announcments
...Tina & Travis are at St.George Island and we are happy to have Janie & Craig...
Other Announcements...Today is Christ's Sunday...
![]() Sunday is Epiphany Sunday....and an Anniversary...
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Hymn: "O Come, All Ye Faithful"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed......and......Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: Candles
Thanking God for our blessings...
...that we have come here together this day...
...and Singing the Doxology
Old Testment Scripture
OT Scripture: "Psalm 148"
Praises, Joys and Concerns
Prayer Concerns...
...Donnie's knee surgery January 16...Tracee's neck pain...her Daddy...and Don...
...remember those traveling.....and the airliner crash in South Korea...
...we never know...
Pastoral prayer...
...the Lord's Prayer......and......singing of the Doxology
Hymn: "His Name is Wonderful"
The Messages
Introduction...speaking of the talith and shima...
...with scriptures from: Deut 6:4-9 and Deut 11:13-21
Commentary: "Setting the stage for the coming of Christ"...
Message Scripture: Luke 2:41-51
Message: "A Homecoming"
Ending with some words of St. Patrick...
...and a closing prayer
Closing Hymn: "Good Christian Friends, Rejoice"
Gathering in the center aisle...
...for the closing chorus: "Bind Us Together"...
...and Benediction"
There were 10 here for the service today
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