Memorial Day
(from See also: Memorial Day from wikipedia
and A History of Memorial Day
and 8 Things You May Not Know
Memorial Day,the last Monday in May, is a day on the civil calendar for remembering and honoring those who have given their lives in battle. The day is also known as Decoration Day for the custom of placing flags at the graves of the patriotic dead. Without legitimating war, there is resonance with the gospel reading: "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends." Memorial Day often passes in our churches with little or no mention. Historically and traditionally, it has been viewed more as a civic than a liturgical observance. As with New Year's Day, Mother's Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and others, Memorial Day is not a part of the liturgical calendar, although sometimes local congregations will observe these days in some manner in Sunday congregational worship. Pastoral and congregational attention to the day can be an occasion of healing hurt and connecting with the rawness of loss. Participation in public observance offers Christians the opportunity to get outside our churchy bubble and be present with and to others as they struggle to come to terms with war, loss, devastation, and what it all means.
Resources from the United Methodist Hymnal
- Prayers:
- 429 - A Prayer for Our Country
- ...... - A Prayer for Peace with Justice, from UM Book of Worship
- Hymns
- 717 -
. Verses - Hymn: The Battle Hymn of the Republic
- 696 -
. Verses - Hymn: America the Beautiful
- 697 -
. Verses - Hymn: America
- 428 -
. Verses - Hymn: For the Healing of the Nations
- 435 -
. Verses - Hymn: O God of Every Nation
- 437 -
. Verses - Hymn: This is My Song
- 440 -
. Verses - Hymn: Let There be Light
- 2191 -
. Verses - Hymn: Eternal Father, Strong to Save (The Navy Hymn)