This page provides audio recordings of sermons and special music from services at Bethel during the pastorate of Ralph L. Wrightstone.
From Bethel UMC Services of
July 3, 2016 thru December 25, 2016
Click on the symbol to begin playing an audio recording.
- December 2016
- 25 -
(27:12) Christmas Day Sermon: "No Room in the Inn"; Scripture: Luke 2:1-7
24 -(15:01) Christmas Eve Sermon: "Let There Be Light"; Scripture: Matthew 4:12-17
18 -(19:16) Sermon: "Men & Women of God"; Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25
11 -(21:30) Sermon: "Are You the One?"; Scripture: Matthew 11:1-19
- November 2016
- 20 -
(35:04) Sermon: "The Book of Ralph - Chapter 1"; Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10
.....-(1:24) Remarks: a last story
13 -(28:58) Sermon: "A Bad Hair Day"; Scripture: Luke 21:5-38
- October 2016
- 30 - Top Ten Countdown - a special service presenting the 10 Favorite Hymns chosen by Bethel's congregation during the previous Sundays.
23 -(31:39) Sermon: "Our Most Common Sin"; Scripture: Luke 18:9-14
16 -(36:38) Sermon: "What Will Jesus Find When He Returns?"; Scripture: Luke 18:1-8
09 -(25:07) Sermon: "Thankfulness"; Scripture: Luke 17:11-19 (Homecoming)
02 -(04:16) Special Music: "Amazing Grace Seems So Far Away",Travis Oaks
.... -(27:25) Sermon: "Three Small Steps"; Scripture: Luke 17:1-10
- September 2016
- 25 -
(30:01) Sermon: "Neighbors We Never Met!"; Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
11 -(19:58) Sermon: "GPS for the Lost"; Scripture: Luke 15:1-10
04 -(27:12) Sermon: "The Cost of Discipleship"; Scripture: Luke 14:25-33
- August 2016
- 28 -
(19:53) Sermon: "Humble Thyself"; Scripture: Luke 14:1-14; Prayer
21 -(29:55) Sermon: "Sabotaging the Sabbath"; Scripture: OT Jeremiah 1:4-5; NT Luke 13:10-17
14 -(29:16) Sermon: "Fire from Heaven"; Scripture: OT Isaiah 5:1-7; NT Luke 12:48-57
- July 2016
- 24 -
(29:29) Sermon: "You Do Have a Prayer"; Scripture: OT: 2 Chronicles 7:14; NT: Luke 11:1-13
17 -(27:23) Sermon: "Perseverance!"; Scripture: Revelation 14:12
10 -(25:54) Sermon: "The Good Samaritan"; Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
03 -(25:33) Sermon: "Liberty and Civility"; Scripture: Galatians 5:1-15
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