This page provides audio recordings of sermons and special music from services at Bethel during the pastorate of Ralph L. Wrightstone.
From Bethel UMC Services of
January 7, 2018 thru December 30, 2018
Click on the symbol to begin playing an audio recording.
- December 2018
- 30 -
(02:59) 1st Sunday after Christmas -Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
.... -(20:31) Sermon: Happy New Year
.... -(01:28) Closing Prayer & Invitation
24 -(14:30) Christmas Eve - Message: "A Christmas Letter", Scripture: John 1:1-14
23 -(10:27) 4th Sunday of Advent - Message: The Life of Jesus (This followed the youth presentation of "The Birth of Jesus")
.... -(02:42) Closing Prayer & Invitation
16 -(29:38) 3rd Sunday of Advent - Sermon: What's Next?, Scripture: Luke 1:26-38
.... -(01:20) A Personal Reflection
.... -(00:20) Closing Prayer & Invitation
09 -(27:43) 2nd Sunday of Advent - Sermon: Can I Help?, Scripture: Luke 3:1-6
02 -(27:17) 1st Sunday of Advent - Sermon: Here We Go Again, Scripture: Luke 21:25-36
- November 2018
- 25 - Chrismon Service - on this "Christ the King" day, the last Sunday of the liturgical year, we are decorating the Chrismon tree with symbols of Christ's Birth, Passion and Victory, with appropriate scripture readings and hymns. (The service was not recorded}
18 -(30:17) Sermon: The Beginning, Scripture: Mark 13:1-31
11 -(02:11) Preliminary Remarks about Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-18
.... -(28:32) Sermon: We Are at War! - Part 2 (Last week's sermon on Part 1 was not recorded,but this carries on appropriately for Veteran's Day)
- October 2018
- 21 -
(01:50) Scripture: Mark 10:35-45
.... -(22:08) Sermon: Must We Help Others?
.... -(01:03) Sermon: Closing Remarks
14 - Homecoming Service - (Not Recorded, No Power from Hurricane Michael)
- September 2018
- 30 -
(03:30) Scripture: James 5:13-20 and commentary
.... -(25:33) Sermon: The Tender Touch - Part 1
23 -(01:30) Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40
.... -(16:40) Sermon: Life is Complicated
.... -(04:02) Sermon: Closing Prayer and Invitation
16 -(01:19) Scripture: Jude 1:17-21; A Call to Remain Faithful
.... -(31:34) Sermon: Looking for Jesus
09 -(28:38) Sermon: Why Study the Bible?; Scripture from Psalm 105
02 -(01:50) Scripture: John 4:19-26
.....-(17:19) Sermon: Here I Am to Worship
- August 2018
- 19 -
(03:51) Comments and Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:7-8
.....-(21:42) Sermon: What is God's Purpose for Us? - Part2
12 -(29:04) Sermon: What is God's Purpose for Us? - Part1; 2 Timothy 4:1-5
NOTE: On August 12, Pastor Wrightstone began a series of sermons leading to a Thursday evening Bible Study beginning 6:30 pm September 13.
- July 2018
- 29 -
(24:17) Sermon: Knowledge of Love, Ephesians 3:14-21
15 -(16:49) Sermon: Spiritual Warfare, Ephesians 6:10-20
01 -(03:41) Scripture: Mark 5:21-43
.....-(14:26) Sermon: The Healing Touch
- June 2018
- 24 -
(23:28) Sermon: Calming the Storm, Mark 4:35-41
10 -(01:36) Scripture: Mark 3:31-35
.....-(25:08) Sermon: Family Ties & Good-Byes
03 -(02:28) Scripture: Mark 2:23-3:6
.....-(23:26) Sermon: Keeping Sunday
- May 2018
- 27 -
(24:31) Sermon: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus, Scripture: John 3:1-21
13 -(28:36) Mother's Day Sermon: Are Mother's Important?; Scripture: John 17:6-19
06 -(25:17) Sermon: What is a Friend?; Scripture: John 15:9-17
- April 2018
- 29 -
(25:12) Sermon: The True Vine; Scripture: John 15:1-17
22 -(02:34) Scripture: John 10:1-18
.....-(19:08) Message: The Good Shepherd
15 - While the pastor was away, youth director and lay minister Tina Oaks led a service for both youth and adults.
.....-(04:26) Children's Message: God Looks Inside
.....-(00:28) Scripture: 1 John 4:4, read by youth, Christiana
.....-(06:20) Message: In the Mirror - Part1: For the Youth
.....-(02:02) Reading: "The Way I See Myself", read by youth Zion Imani
.....-(06:58) Message: In the Mirror - Part 2: For the Adults
.....-(02:15) Closing Prayer (This followed a time of expressing Joys & Concerns but is an appropriate closing for the service)
01 -(02:34) Easter Sunday Scripture: John 14:1-14
.....-(23:05) Sermon: IS ETERNAL LIFE A MYTH?
- March 2018
- 25 -
(25:09) Palm Sunday Sermon: Donkeys and Greatness, Scripture: Mark 11:1-10
.....-(02:37) Closing Prayer
18 -(03:04) Scripture: John 12:20-33
.....-(19:45) Sermon: A Grain of Wheat
.....-(01:22) Closing Prayer and invitation
11 -(04:38) Scripture: John 3:14-21
.....-(27:10) Sermon: The Eyes of God
.....-(01:51) Closing Prayer and invitation
04 -(18:21) Sermon: Clean House; Scripture: John 2:13-22
- February 2018
- 25 -
(02:01) Scripture: Mark 8:31-38
.....-(23:50) Sermon: Should We Carry a Cross?
.....-(02:29) Closing Prayer
18 -(03:54) Scripture: Mark 1:9-15 & Luke 4:1-12
.....-(20:36) Sermon:Would We Take a Crown or a Cross?
.....-(02:22) An Invitation and Closing Prayer
11 -(01:11) Preliminary Remarks on "Valentine's Day"
.....-(00:51) Scripture: John 3:16
.....-(21:02) Sermon: A Test of Real Love
.....-(01:18) An Invitation and Closing Prayer
04 -(03:34) Scripture: Mark 1:29-39
.....-(21:28) Sermon: Everyone is Searching For You
- January 2018
- 28 -
(02:36) Scripture: Mark 1:21-28
.....-(22:19) Sermon: Astonishing!
.....-(02:16) Closing Prayer and Invitation
21 -(22:50) Sermon: The Personal Touch, scripture Mark 1:14-20
.....-(02:31) Closing Prayer and Invitation
Note: Pastor Ralph Wrightstone was visiting Haiti and Jamaica the first two Sundays of January. Those services were led by Bethel Lay Servant, Tina Oaks.
14 -(02:11) Sermon: Do You Have God in a Box? (part 1)
.....-(03:28) Music Video: King of the World, sung by Natalie Grant (the link provided here will take you to the YouTube video)
.....-(20:44) Sermon: Scripture - Psalm 147:5 and Part 2 of Sermon
.....-(01:07) Closing Prayer
07 -(05:57) Special Music: Holy Spirit, sung by Tenesa and Travis
.....-(23:31) Sermon: The Yes Step; Scripture: 1 John 3:18
.....-(01:10) Hymn: I'll Say Yes, Lord; led by Travis & Tenesa
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