This page provides audio recordings of sermons and special music from services at Bethel during the pastorate of Ralph L. Wrightstone.
From Bethel UMC Services of
January 6, 2019 thru December 29, 2019
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December 2019 29 - (02:06) Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
.... -(23:15) Sermon: Is It Winter?
.... -(01:57) Closing Prayer
22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent
.... -(02:05) Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25
.... -(19:49) Sermon: Did Joseph Know?
.... -(07:31) Closing Prayer and Invitation
15 - Third Sunday of Advent
.... -(02:47) Scripture: Matthew 11:2-11
.... -(17:14) Sermon: Are You Looking For a Savior?
.... -(01:01) Closing Remarks
08 - Second Sunday of Advent
.... -(04:49) Scripture& Commentary: Matthew 3:1-12
.... -(15:24) Sermon: Repent Your Way to a Merry Christmas
.... -(00:38) Closing Prayer
01 - First Sunday of Advent - Chrismon ServiceNovember 2019 24 - Thanksgiving Sunday
.... -(02:39) Scripture: Ephesians 4:2
.... -(18:50) Sermon: Be Thankful
.... -(02:39) Closing Prayer
17 -(04:08) Scripture: Luke 21:5-19
.... -(19:36) Sermon: The End of the Age
.... -(01:08) Closing Prayer & Invitation
10 -(03:25) Scripture: Luke 20:27-40
.... -(16:52) Sermon: Traditions
.... -(02:48) Closing Prayer & Invitation
03 -(02:23) Scripture: Luke 19:9-10
.... -(22:39) Sermon: Up and Out
October 2019 27 - (02:22) Scripture: Luke 18:9-14
.... -(18:07) Sermon: What Impresses God?
.... -(01:32) Closing Prayer
20 -(01:33) Scripture: Luke 18:1-8 (read during Youth Message, "Never Give Up")
.... -(16:33) Sermon: When He Comes
.... -(03:23) Closing Prayer
13 - Homecoming - Celebrating 185 years - The service (always on the 2nd Sunday in October) featured much singing but a very brief message and was followed by a covered dish dinner in the fellowship hall. That message, scripture and prayer that closed the service are all that are included here.
.... -(03:18) Message: Friendship
.... -(01:30) Scripture & Comments: Matthew 5:43-47
.... -(00:38) Prayer - at end of service
06 -(05:06) Comments and Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:1-4
.... -(16:36) Sermon: Church as Family
September 2019 29 - Lay Servant and Youth leader Tina Oaks led the service today while pastor Ralph was recuperating from surgery during the prior week. The service combined the regular worship service with the youth service. The message was directed to the dozen youth but was appropriate for all.
.... -(23:33) Message: "Prayer Prompts"
.... -(01:08) Closing Prayer
22 -(03:50) Scripture and Comments: Luke 16:1-15
.... -(22:15) Sermon: "Standard of Giving"
.... -(03:07) Closing Prayer and Invitation
15 -(03:48) Scripture and Comments: Luke 15:1-7
.... -(14:49) Sermon: "Seeking the Lost"
.... -(01:02) Closing Remarks and Invitation
August 2019 11 - (05:29) Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-12
.... -(20:54) Sermon: "Where's the Magic?"
.... -(01:27) Closing Remarks and Invitation
04 -(03:13) Scripture: Luke 13:13-21
.... -(17:48) Sermon: "Not Enough!"
July 2019 21 - (22:22 Sermon: "Pay Attention", Scripture Luke 10:38-48
.... -(01:15) Closing Remarks and Invitation
14 -(26:42) Sermon: "Do Good?", Scripture Luke 10:25-37
.... -(02:37) Closing Prayer and Invitation
07 -(03:28) Scripture: Luke 10:1-11
.... -(26:50) Sermon: GET ER DONE
.... -(01:50) Closing Remarks and Invitation
June 2019 30 - (26:22) Sermon: No Excuses
.... -(04:04) Closing Remarks
23 -(02:39) Introduction and Scripture: Galatians 3:23-29
.... -(21:05) Sermon: How Will They Know?
.... -(05:42) Closing Remarks, Prayer and Invitation
16 - Father's Day
.... -(02:27) Introduction and Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
.... -(22:19) Sermon: The Forgiving Father
.... -(02:46) Closing Prayer and Invitation
05 -09 - Pentecost Sunday - remembering the "Birth of the Church", 50 days after Easter.
.... -(04:13) Introduction and Scripture Reading from Acts Chapter 2
.... -(17:59 Sermon: Filled with the Holy Spirit
.... -(02:21) Closing Remarks
May 2019 19 - Heritage Sunday - this service at Bethel Pond was not recorded
12 -(02:39) Introduction and Scripture: from Revelation Chapter 5
.... -(21:14) Sermon: The Lion King - Part 2
.... -(02:19) Closing Prayer and Invitation
05 -(01:58) Introduction and Scripture: Revelation 5:11-14
.... -(13:14) Sermon: The Lion King - Part 1
April 2019 28 - (02:53) Introduction & Scripture: Revelation 1:4-8
.... -(19:35) Sermon: Jesus is Coming Back
.... -(01:37) Closing Prayer
21 - Easter Sunday
.... -(00:28) Introduction (connecting preceding special "Who Am I?" to the sermon)
.... -(01:58) Scripture: Luke 24:1-12
.... -(17:22) Sermon: Follow Me
.... -(02:16) Closing Prayer and Invitation
14 - Palm Sunday
.... -(04:27) Scripture and comments: Luke 19:28-24
.... -(13:44) Sermon: Keep Striving (a message about Losing...and Finding our Identity)
.... -(01:58) Closing Prayer and Invitation
07 - The opening hymn: "They Will Know we are Christians by our Love" was fitting for this timely topic.
.... -(01:24) Scripture: Philippians 3:12-16
.... -(19:20) Sermon: Keep Striving (a message about Losing...and Finding our Identity)
.... -(02:12) Closing words
March 2019 31 - Lay Minister Tina Oaks led the service this day while pastor Wrightstone was away
.... -(17:38) Message: Conditions of the Heart - Part 1
...... During this time the Young People passed out small Heart Candles and the Hymn "Change My Heart, O God" was sung by the congregation.
.... -(05:45) Message: Conditions of the Heart - Part 2 (Dealing with one more heart condition)
24 -(30:31) Sermon: Figs or Bananas?,\; Scripture: Luke 13:1-9
17 - This service began with reports from two who had just completed a "Walk to Emaius" weekend:.... - (00:33) Introduction by Pastor Wrightstone
.... -(03:29) Annie Hartzog speaks about her experience.
.... -(03:06) Tina Rucker speaks about her experience
.... -(03:57) Remarks by pastor, encouraging Tina to speak about her background.
...later came the message:
.... -(01:38) Scripture: Luke 13:31-35
.... -(16:33) Sermon: Who Lives in You?
.... -(02:00) Closing Prayer & Invitation
10 -
(02:50) Scripture: Luke 4:1-3
.... -(27:21) Sermon: It's Lent Time
.... -(02:24) Closing Prayer & Invitation
03 -(04:50) Scripture: John 14:15-31
.... -(21:45) Sermon: Believe the Holy Spirit
February 2019 24 - (11:10) Introduction of Messenger & Message
.... -(24:25) Message: All Things Are Possible, Invited Speaker Rev. John Peterson, from FLUMC Foundation
17 -(31:09) Sermon: Spiritual Growth, Scripture: 1 John 2:12-14
.... -(02:32) Closing Prayer & Invitation
10 -(03:11) Introduction & Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35
.... -(25:29) Sermon: Forgiveness is Freedom
.... -(02:28) Closing Prayer & Invitation
03 -(02:49) Introduction and Scripture: Hebrews 10:19ff
.... -(13:55) Sermon: What is Worship?
January 2019 27 - (04:32) Introduction and Scripture: Luke 4:1-13
.... -(27:07) Sermon: Our Christian I.D. (a message about Temptation)
.... -(06:02) A Prayer, Witness and Invitation (don't skip this)
13 -(01:46) Introduction and Scripture: Acts 17:27-28
.... -(27:10) Message: Understanding the Apostle's Creed
.... -(01:45) Closing Prayer
06 -(04:13) Scripture: Matthew 2:9-23
.... -(20:56) Sermon: Get Up & Go
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