Christmas Eve
December 24, 2021
This page was not prepared as an online version of the church Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. In using recordings from that service in a format similar to our online services, it serves as somewhat of an "historical record" of the actual service.
. Welcome and opening remarks . (03:05)
. Reading: "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" . (01:45)
. The First Four Candles of the Advent Wreath . (02:00)
- Opening Hymn
. Verses - "The First Noel" . (04:53)
. Slides - Lighting the Christ Candle . (01:15)
- Hymn
. Verses . "Away in a Manger" . (01:56)
. Offering for Madison Youth Ranch . (00:55)
- Message
. Introduction and Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-3 . (01:52)
. Message: "We All Need Hope" . (21:15)
- Special Music
. "Introduction". (01:16)
. "Mary, Did You Know?", sung by Travis Oaks and Judy Wrightstone
. Holy Communion (03:51)
- Candlelight Service
. Candlelighting . (01:29)
. Recessional singing Silent Night . (03:23)
. "Benediction" . (00:18)
. random remarks after closing . (05:18)