Aldersgate Walking Tour

This page presents pictures and documents describing a walking tour that visits several sites in London, England relating to John Wesley's life there in the 18th century when John and his brother Charles were helping to establish an approach to Christian Discipleship that is now called "Methodism". Formative to John's inspiration was an event that took place in a building on Aldersgate street in London, May 24, 1734. This tour, held on May 24 each year begins at St. Paul's Cathedral, passing Aldersgate Street and ends at Wesley Chapel.

"Slideshow" of sites visited
A set of slides describing the tour with overhead maps and photos. It begins with pictures of "Wesley Chapel" and John Wesley's home and monument, then travels the 1.2 mile walk from St. Paul's Cathedral to Wesley Chapel.

Walking Tour Program
A printed program describing the service at St. Paul's Cathedral, followed by special moments at various points along the tour and ending with a service in Wesley Chapel.

Walking Tour Map
This basic graphical chart maps the route of the walking tour and important stops.

Wesley's LONDON Walking Map
This folder describes a more extended walk that visits 15 sites and describes 11 other sites relating to John Wesley's life in London.