Bethel UMC Photo Album
After Tornado Visited Neighborhood
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
These pictures were taken on Tuesday, 11 days after the tornado came through. Most of the downed trees and debris around the church property have been cut-up and taken away or placed at the side of the road.
(Note: If you change the width of the page, the pictures will adjust with it.)
First, the area nearest the church building...
...then the cemetery South of the church, esp SW corner...
...and the area behind the fellowship hall...
...the flooded basement...not really unusual...
...the only apparent storm damage being the corner of the roof...
This area and the parsonage back yard have been cleared...
...but the backyard fence has been nearly completely destroyed.
The only apparent damage to the parsonage is the corner of the roof.
These areas have been cleared of stom debris.
The parsonage appears to be undamaged in the front.
The "beheaded tree" is gone from in front of the fellowship hall.
This is the property across the road from Bethel that was directly in the path...
...and the heap of debris to be removed.
Visiting Bethel Pond
Approaching Bethel Pond from the road
A beautiful sight, Bethel Pond is higher than it has been in several years.
Don Singletary's former home with tree removed and roof tarped
Returning, driving North past Bethel
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