Bethel UMC Photo Album
2022 Bethel Covid Time Service
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Independence Sunday
July 3, 2022
Sing Alleluia to the LORD
Announcements and anniversaries...
Introduction for viewing of movie "The House I Live In"
which includes the song "What is America to Me"
Hymn: "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Call to Worship
...Affirmation of Faith....and...Gloria Patria
Offertory - Thanks for your support, service...and our freedoms..."
...prayer of thanksgiving....and...singing of the Doxology
OT Scripture reading: "Psalm 30
The Message
Message Scripture: "Luke 10:1-20
Message: "Brush it Off"
Communion Service
Communion is served using traditional elements... the altar...
...or using individual packets in the pew...
Closing Hymn: "Shalom to You"
Closing remarks and Benediction
Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"
There were 17 here for the service today.
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