Bethel UMC Photo Album
2022 Bethel Covid Time Service
Third Sunday of Advent
December 11, 2022
This photo album includes recorded segments that incorporate the entire audio portion
of the service on this day. I hope you find among those recordings informative remarks
about events of the day that don't show up in the photographic record.
Prelude: Sing Alleluia to the Lord
Welcome, general comments...
...and speaking of the Christmas Carol service last week...
...and Travis' new song...
Speaking of Carol Koski's passing...
...and Carol's wishes
Don speaks about, and shows, a copy of Bethel's 1847 deed..
Reminder of Christmas Eve service...
...and there will be no service on Christmas Day...
Birthdays...Arthur's mom...
Trevor is now an "official" teen-ager
Judy reminds of the needs of a 12-year old boy mentioned in
recent weeks...
...and last opportunity to contribute to collection for him
Hymn: "Angels We Have Heard on High"
Lighting of 3rd Advent Candle
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...Apostle's Creed...and Gloria Patria
OT Reading -
Scripture: "Isaiah 35:1-10"
Prayer Concerns
Prayer Concerns...
...pastoral prayer and Lord's prayer
Hymn: "Silent Night, Holy Night"
The Message
Introduction and Scripture - Matthew 11:1-11
Message: "The Succession"
Hymn: "Oh Come All Ye Faithful"
Closing Remarks
Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together
There were 15 here for the service today.
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