Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service

2nd Sunday of Advent
December 10, 2023

This page has many photos and nearly all of the recorded audio from this Service. Clicking on a photo will display a larger version of the photo. Use your browser's "back arrow" to return to this page. Click on a symbol to begin playing a recording in a separate window or tab of your web browser. While the recording is playing you can return to this page by choosing its Window or Tab of your web browser. It is best to end the playing of a recording and stop its Window or Tab before starting to play another recording.




...and Prelude/Processional "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"

Opening Prayer


Text - Phillip and Arthur Hazard light first and second candles
of the Advent Wreath

Hanakkuh began on Thursday

Birthdays?...yes, Jo Ann Carlson has a birthday on Saturday...


Hymn: " Standing on the Promises"

Call to Worship

Call to Worship...

...Apostle's Creed......and Gloria Patria


...and singing of the Doxology

Old Testament Scripture: Isaiah 40:1- 11

Joys and Concerns

Prayer Concerns...

...Arthur speaks of school field trip...and Travis of a Christmas concert...

...Joyce Moore speaks of granddaughter Alexandra's graduation...
...and engagement...

...Joann George speaks of health concerns of
former Bethel pastor Karen Alford...

...and pastor Ralph speaks of an "old man?" problem

Pastoral Prayer...and...Lord's Prayer

Special Music

Introduction to Special Music

Travis sings: "All My Sins Are Forgiven"

Following Comments

The Message

Message Scripture: Mark 1:1-8

Message: It's a Heart Thing

Closing Prayer


Hymn: Go Tell it On the Mountain

Arthur is bringing the light of Christ back into the World...

...gathering together for the Closing Chorus: Bind Us Together...

...and Benediction

Parting Conversations...

There were 12 here for the church service today.
A larger version of each picture can be viewed by clicking on the small picture. Use the back arrow to return to the Album home page.