Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service

Second Sunday of Easter
April 7, 2024

This page has many photos and nearly all of the recorded audio from this Service. Clicking on a photo will display a larger version of the photo. Use your browser's "back arrow" to return to this page. Click on a symbol to begin playing a recording in a separate window or tab of your web browser. While the recording is playing you can return to this page by choosing its Window or Tab of your web browser. It is best to end the playing of a recording and stop its Window or Tab before starting to play another recording.
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Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"

Noticing the imbalance of the gathering...

...Sandra has 1st class seat... change for UMC Children's Home..."Residing Hope"...

...the "other" Bethel in Tallahasse is having an event, April 27th, for Kidney disease

Happy Birthday...Judy (75) and Phillip (81)

Comments about Travis' shirt....and trip to Texas last Week.

Other Announcements... coming next week-end, Joyce Moore's grand-daughter...

...also Tina has service next week......and Heritage Sunday is coming up

Any Other Announcements...
...Sunrise Service page added to photo album...

...some people don't have internet...Joann doesn't and doesn't want it...

...Jo Ann has a note from the Hazard family....and Ralph has one from Linda Cisne.

Hymn: " Lord, I Lift Your Name on High"

Call to Worship

Call to Worship...

....Affirmation of Faith......and......Gloria Patria.

Youth Message

Pastor Ralph presents a message on "Doubting Thomas"

...Did You ever feel guilty because of doubt?...we don't need to...

...Jesus is with our faith.


Thanking God for all things...

...and singing the Doxology.

Old Testament Reading

Scripture: "Psalm 133"

Comments on "Harmony", "Unity", the "Mind of God" and the Solar Eclipse

Joys, Concerns and Praises

Prayer Concerns

Judy and I are going to Gainesville for a check-up...
...(00:36) Sandra going to Jacksonville...storm in W.Virginia..
...(01:39) we don't know what's going aware and pray...

...(02:47) Judy concerned about relative's cancer diagnosis...and her daughter...
...(03:12) Jo Ann reports on Mark's surgery...
...(04:04) You're a mushroom, in the dark...that's our life lately...
...Travis, unspoken

Pastoral prayer......and......the Lord's Prayer

Special Music

Introduction to the special song...uh oh...

Travis sings: "Blessed Assurance"

Comments about Fannie Crosby who wrote the song.

The Message

Scripture: John 20:19-31

Message: "Free to Forgive"


The Service...

...presenting the elements...

...going to the table...

...sharing the elements...

Parting Prayer


Hymn: "I'm So Glad Jesus Lifted Me"

Gather for the closing chorus: "Bind Us Together"...

...and Benediction

There were 17 here for the church service today, including one young person

A larger version of each picture can be viewed by clicking on the small picture. Use the back arrow to return to the Album home page.