Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
September 29, 2024
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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.
Mark Carlson serves as "bell ringer" to announce the service
Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord
Opening Prayer
Welcome and Announcements
Thanks to Connor and Arthur for helping this morning
...good to see survived (to Linda)...
...An update on Leonard's Memorial service...this Friday at 1:00...
...people flying in to be a part...
...Phill knew him pretty good....he came here when Alex came...
...what else?...can't believe it's October already...
...we're in the process of replacing our sign...
...and a church conference is coming up on Oct 14 at St Paul's UMC...
...and thanks again to Don & Tracy for letting us borrow the generator...
...our power came back on this morning...
...and Homecoming is on the 2nd Sunday, Oct 13
...Arthur steps forward....followed by his dad...
Arthur Hazard celebrates his 12th and father Philip his 42nd
...and Anniversaries
Tina and Travis, Linda and Mark are celebrating Anniversaries
Hymn: "Victory in Jesus"
Call to Worship
Call to Worship...
...the Apostle's Creed......and Gloria Patria
Youth Message
Youth Message: "We Are All the Same, But Different"
...come on down......I'm down...
...have you ever seen a picture of Jesus?...we really don't know...
...we all have different characteristics.......but the same inside...
...hold hands there...and we'll have a word of prayer
Can you help me get up?...
Offertory and Doxology
What's next?...a scripture reading? many of you are thankful for getting through the storm?...
...we thank God for that as we sing...the Doxology
Old Testament Scripture
OT Scripture: "Psalm 124"
and Commentary
Praises, Joys and Concerns
Prayer Concerns
...Sandra...we did evacuate...we went to Niceville...met a lot of people...
...It's hard to help all these people that need help now...
...the red cross and salvation army are doing good work...
...we must remember all the many...
...keep them in our prayers...
...Miss Judy had an accident...broke part of her foot...
...there was help here from 10 other states...
...Judy speaks of many problems of family members...
...and Travis expresses thanks for help provided by church members.
Pastoral Prayer...this is really important...
...and the Lord's Prayer
Special Music
Special: "I Don't Know Who Holds Tomorrow, but I Know Who Holds My Hand"
Comments on Hymn 512, "Stand By Me"
The Message
Message Scripture: "Mark 9:38-50"
Message: "Do You Guard Your Space?"
Hymn: "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling"
Conner and Arthur take the flame from the altar back into the world
Comments on training our Youth
Gather in the center aisle...
...for the Closing Chorus..."Bind Us Together"...
...reminder of a meeting....and benediction
There were 23 here for the church service today including 2 youth and 2 visitors
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