Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost
October 6, 2024

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Click here to see the bulletin for the service.



Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"


Speaking of memorial service for Leonare Holton communion week prepared by Jason...

...upper rooms are here...what about Vinmo?...other helpers...

Birthdays or Anniversaries?

Judy Expresses an appeal for Austin Smith and his family...

Introduction and Hymn: "Leave it There"
I Like That...

Call to Worship

Call to Worship...

......Apostle's Creed.. ....and Gloria Patria

Youth Message

Youth Message: "Trust and Believe"

...recall the hymn "Trust and Obey"...

...a lesson from the memorial service Friday...

Thanks, Praise...and...singing of the Doxology

Old Testament Reading

Scripture: Psalm 28

and Commentary

Praises, Joys and Concerns

Prayer Concerns...

...Travis spoke to Linda about her brother.....and remember those in path of the storms...

...pastor and Judy going to Lakeland?...Janie & Craig going to Pennsylvania...
...and Judy's 87 yr old cousin is back in the hospital...

...Jo Ann asks prayers for aunt...

Pastoral prayer.....and....the Lord's Prayer

Special Music

Travis sings: "A Place Called Mount Calvary"

The Message

Scripture: Mark 10:1-16

Message: "God Loves the Children"

Communion Service

Service of Communion


Hymn: "Glorify Thy Name"

Benediction, Closing chorus...
...and some Reminders

There were XX here for the church service today including 2 youth and 2 visitors

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