Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service

First Sunday of Advent
Chrismon Service
December 1, 2024

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Click Church and Online to see the bulletins for the service.


Worship Service

Prelude: "Sing Alleluia to the Lord"

Welcome and Announcements

...families returning home after Thanksgiving...
...Christmas Eve service at 5:00...and maybe a Hymn Sing before then... Communion today but will be on Christmas Eve.

Birthdays and Anniversaries...

...Janie (Brown Zody) is having a birthday...on Tuesday...
...she had foot surgery Wednesday before Thanksgiving... anniversaries...then sing combined song

Other Upper Rooms are here...

Hymn: "O Come, All Ye Faithful"

Lighting the First Advent Candle

Slides . Tina and Travis light the candle of Promise

Call to Worship

Slides . Call to Worship, Apostle's Creed and Gloria Patria

Comments about the order of worship.

Joys, Praises and Concerns

Prayer Concerns...
...Janie...people traveling home...

...Sandra speaks of coming memorial service for a friend, her family...
...and for another work mate...

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord's Prayer

The Message

Scripture: Luke 21:25-36

Message: "Pay Attention"

Comments about the rest of the service

Declaration of the Good News

Declaration of the Good News...Response...

...and Chrismas Confession (in the
This was confused due to errors in some bulletins and reading materials... a result, only the Declaration of the Good News comes from this service...
...the remainder comes from an original recording for the online service

Chrismon Service

Introduction to Chrismons

Hymn: "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"

The Nativity Chrismons

Presenting the Epiphany Star, Christmas Rose, Manger and Angel
Hymn: "Away in a Manger"

...Placing the Nativity Chrismons on the Tree...(background sounds)

The Passion Chrismons

Presenting the Chalice... Crosses... Sacrificial Lamb...

Butterfly...and... Dove and Shell

Hymn: "The Old Rugged Cross (v.1)"

...Placing the Passion Chrismons on the Tree...(background sounds)

The Victory Chrismons

Presenting the... Alpha and Omega... Chi Rho... Fish... Shepherd's Staff... Cross and Orb...

Iota Chi... The Crown... The IHS

Hymn: "Up From the Grave He Arose (v. 1,3)"

...Placing the Victory Chrismons on the Tree...(background sounds)

Concluding Remarks

Chrismon Prayer

The Chrismon Prayer

Hymn: "Joy to the World"


Gather in the center aisle......join hands...

.....sing the Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together"...and receive the benediction

There were 18 here for the service today

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