Bethel UMC Photo Album
Bethel Church Service
Christmas Eve Service
December 24, 2024
Click bulletin to see the church bulletin for the service.
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Gathering for...
...the arrival of the baby
Arthur lights the candles in preparation
...getting settled for...
...singing the hymn: "Go Tell it On the Mountain"
The audio recording of the service begins here
Welcome...and schedule of service
Opening Prayer
Hymn: "Joy to the World"
The Hazard family lights the Christ Candle
Comments about the small rural family church...
Introduction and Hymn: "Angels We Have Heard on High"
Speaking of the annual collection for the Madison Youth ranch...
...and the collection basket in the narthex
Introduction to the message and scripture: Luke 2:1-7
Message: "A Personal Testamony"...received...
...Reading that "Personal Testamony"
Travis sings "Tiny Little Manger"
Conclusion of the Message....and Preparation for Communion...
...speaking of "Festivals of Lights" using "antidote to darkness"...
...and of Hannukah...Advent...Jesus' life....and the passover meal...
Service of Holy Communion
Candlelight service - singing "Silent Night...
...from the back of the bulletin
Closing words--Merry Christmas to All
There were xx here for the service today
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