Bethel UMC Photo Album
2020-21 Bethel Covid Time Service
June 6, 2021
First event in fellowship hall after renovation.
Reception for the Baptism of Alice Lanier Bell
April 11, 2021
The carpet is down and project complete.
March 28, 2021
More pictures of the new counter tops.
March 14, 2021
Progress of work in the Fellowship Hall
These pictures show the new counter tops.
February 7, 2021
Progress of work in the Fellowship Hall
These pictures show the new cabinets and appliances.
The countertops are on order and should be in soon.
The refrigerator is pulled away from the wall in the back.
Note the exhaust vent over the stove
This panorama photo provides a more inclusive view, though somewhat distorted.
December 13, 2020
Progress of work in the Fellowship Hall
The new kitchen flooring is shown here.
All of the cabinets and appliances are being replaced.
(Old appliances have been donated and useable cabinets will be repurposed.)
Don Singletary and Donnie White have performed all the "demolition" work.
Many perishable items moved from the kitchen were out of date.
Other items need to be sorted through.
Travis has moved all of the music equipment into the youth room and has plans for updating the program/performance area in the fellowship hall as well.
November 27, 2020
Progress of work in the Fellowship Hall
These are the first pictures I have taken.
Obviously, Don Singletary and Donnie White have been at it awhile.
from a workday a long time ago..
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