7th Sunday of Easter
Ascension Sunday, Aldersgate Day,
Heritage Sunday and Memorial Day
May 24, 2020
Pastor: Ralph Wrightstone Bulletin . Photos Music Director: Travis Oaks
On This day we have a wealth of events to celebrate including: Ascension Sunday, Aldersgate Day, Heritage Sunday and Memorial Day. It is a very rare occurance for all of these to fall on the same day, as Aldersgate Day is the only one with a fixed date, the others generally "float" by tradition or decree. As Bethel has observed Heritage Sunday "down by the pond" for over 30 years, recognising that as the 1834 "birth place" of the congregation, today's open-air service will be held under the shelter at the pond.Click on any of the pictures above representing one of today's "Theme" events to find out more about its significance on the calendar.
For those unable to attend the services at the church, a new service will be available here online before 10:00 am each Sunday morning, using the same program as the on-site service. So you may "gather" here for an "Early Service" at 10:00 or the traditional service at 11:00...actually it will be available here at any time all week. We hope that you will find it a refreshing place to come into God's house.
NOTE: Each part of the service consists of an audio file and, for most, a Link to a pdf file of "projection slides". Click on thesymbol to play the audio file under a separate browser tab or in a new window. Then select the "Bethel 05/24/20 Service" browser tab or return to this window to open the Link to the "slides". It is best to stop the playing of one Audio segment and close its tab or window before starting another.
Thank you for coming. Our prayer will be that we will soon gather again for worship in Bethel's Sanctuary, but intil then we'll be here for you on Sunday morning.
. Slides - Welcome and Announcements
- Memorial Day Special
- The Star-Spangled Banner, Youtube video
- America the Beautiful, sung by Travis Oaks (from November 10, 2019)
- Hymns:
. Verse - Hymn: All Hail King Jesus (TFWS 2069)
There are many hymns in our song books suitable for this day and we've provided some here that you may want to add to your personal service. Take your time. We'll wait for you.. Verses - Church in the Wildwood (CH 121)
. Verses - Hymn: Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise (UMH 312)
. Verses - Hymn: See How Great a Flame Aspires (UMH 541)
. Slides - Call to Worship, Apostle's Creed and Gloria Patria
- Old Testament Reading: Psalm 68:1-10
......consider following along with a favored translation of your own.- Special Music
- One Day at a Time, sung by Judy Wrightstone and Travis Oaks
- Youth Message: "What's Your Superpower?" (05:43)
......Scripture: Luke 24:44-53
......use your own favored translation to follow along.. Slides - Pastor's Thoughts, Prayers and Lord's Prayer (04:40)
- Message: "Overview of the Books of Titus & Philemon" (15:45)
- Closing Hymn: This hymn was chosen to close the service with a sense of excitement, looking forward to Pentecost next Sunday.
. Verse - Hymn: Shout to the Lord (TFWS 2074)
. Verse - Closing Chorus: "Bind Us Together" & Benediction
Please let us know of any problems you have with or suggestions about this site by sending an email to "bumctlh@gmail.com". If you have any announcements or prayer concerns you would like included next week you may contact Pastor Ralph Wrightstone directly at: 850-591-9785